
Task 7

This Saturday, the task committee opted for a 100 km race, and also with earlier take-offs and Start at 11:45. just ahead of us, after Colatina, there was a development of rain, which in the course of the task was approaching the valley of monjolo. But starting a little slow. in the sequence after the first turnpoint, the development of the task became a rush. impressive that something happened that had not happened in other events. the Brazilian team arrived strong at the front leading the first 5 of the race. Congratulations Rafael Saladini, Rafael Barros, Luciano Horn, Caio Buzzarello and Frank Brown.

Top 3 speed point winners – the fastest pilots round the course
03:20:08: Rafael SALADINI flying at an average speed of 28.5 km/h
03:20:10: Rafael BARROS
03:20:12: Luciano HORN

Top 3 leading point baggers – those who were in the lead the most
158.1: Rafael SALADINI
157.6: Rafael BARROS
155.4: Clement LATOUR

Top 3 in the task
1: Rafael SALADINI
2: Rafael BARROS
3: Luciano HORN

Best newcomer: Adrien RAISSON (28)

Top 3 ladies in the task
1: Violeta JIMENEZ
3: Marcella UCHOA

Top 3 teams in the task
1: Nearbirds
2: Niviuk
3: Air’G Products

Results: click here