
Task 3

Task 3 was not easy, a route through Itaimbé, Laranja da Terra, Sobreiro and Gol in Expedicionário Alicio, with 81 km. However with the weakest condition, the passage through Sobreiro did not make anyone happy, as practically everyone fell through the region. The platoon was crawling, splitting, and they were falling one by one, until there was no one left to go through the longest leg of the path.
After 3pm, when several pilots were already on the ground, behold, 6 pilots appeared, taking an alternative route, heading east, completely deviating from the optimized route, trying to reach São Sebastião da Vala from the southeast. In this alternative, the pilots: Manoel Candido, Michel Ceccato, Yann Martail, Francisco Javier, Alfredo Studer and Boris Plamenov managed to win the most complex part of the route.
The three musketeers: Yann, Michel and Boris, were 600 meters from the ESS, phew, what a complex flight, for sure this trio must be very happy.

But it was D’Artagnan (Francisco Javier) who scored the goal of this task alone, after 4h29m of hard work.

Congratulations Francisco Javier.

Top 3 distance point winners – the pilots who got furthest round the course
81.7 km: Francisco Javier López RICARDO
79.1 km: Yann MARTAIL
79.0 km: Michel CECCATO

Only speed point winner – the fastest pilots round the course
04:29:08: Francisco Javier López RICARDO flying at an average speed of 17.1 km/h

Top 3 leading point baggers – those who were in the lead the most
69.9: Alfredo STUDER
65.9: Michel CECCATO
37.7: Yann MARTAIL

Top 3 in the task
1: Francisco Javier López RICARDO (NEWCOMER)
3: Alfredo STUDER

Top 3 ladies
3: Capucine DELIOT

Top 3 teams
1: Gin Gliders
2: Alas del Hombre
3: Jack 8 Jones

Results: click here